Saturday 12 December 2015

Chicken Chow mein

Chicken chow mein is one easy dish to feed your kids vegetables and of course it can be used as side dish when you are making Chinese .It is quick, easy, colorful and yummy.

Source: My mother

Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook time : 20 minutes yield : 5 servings


Egg Noodle: 1 packet ( no of serving is usually written on the back of noodles pack which may vary to my pack, so kindly do check out what it states and then adjust the ingredients accordingly)
Chicken breast fillet: 1 large 
Carrots: 2
Garlic:2 cloves
Soya sauce: 2 Table spoon
Sugar :1/2 tea spoon
Freshly ground black pepper: to taste
Salt: to taste
Oil: 2 Table Spoon


Boil Egg noodles as per your packet instructions, it is usually boiled for about 5 minutes.Drain the water once boiled, rinse it with cold water so that it does not stick together.

Cut chicken fillet in strips and vegetables in julienne. 

Take a wok, put oil and finely chopped garlic in(you can add more garlic if you like the taste), fry for 30 seconds.

Add in chicken strips and fry till its golden brown then put vegetables in and give a quick stir on high flame.

Put in salt, sugar, black pepper and soya sauce and mix.Since we want to keep vegetables crunchy so this process will take only 2 -3 minutes otherwise vegetables will go soggy.

Now add the noodles and mix well so that noodles are well coated with sauce.

Put it in the serving dish and enjoy:)

Note: you can add whatever vegetables you like, there are endless options. i did not have many vegetables available at home the day i cooked this dish but i really like to have  mushrooms, green onions, bean sprout, red onions, brocolli in spaghetti etc.Remember! there is no hard and fast rule in cooking. You can always innovate dish as per your taste and requirement.

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